How to brew coffee with the French Press

Jan 29, 2020 | Preparation

HomePreparationHow to brew coffee with the French Press


How to brew coffee with the French Press

It is one of the best known, most popular and fun methods to use. Why? The French press offers you the possibility to play with all its variables: temperature, quantity, time and even grinding size since the coffee is in contact with the water all the time. This feature is called immersion extraction.


Type: Hot drink.

Difficulty:  Easy

Time: 5 minutes.

Yield: One cup (approximately 290 ml).


E 20 gr of coffee (for this recipe I used a coffee: origin: Antioquia – Colombia, Red caturra variety, Process: washing, roasting: medium).

E 300 ml of Water at 90°C.


E French press.

E Scale.

E Water boiler.

E Thermometer.


E Preheat the French press with some hot water.

E Remove the preheating water and add the 20 gr of ground coffee (medium or medium-coarse grinding for this preparation).

French Press ground coffee

Add the ground coffee inside the French Press. | Credits: Felipe Herrera.

E Add 300 ml of water at 90°C and mix. Thus we generate enough turbulence getting the water to reach all coffee particles. Many will wonder why I do not pre-infuse this recipe. The reason is that I do not consider it necessary because coffee is in contact with water all the time during the extraction, unlike drip methods.
French Press water

Add 300 ml of water. | Credits: Felipe Herrera.

French Press mix

Perform agitation for better extraction. | Credits: Felipe Herrera.

E We wait between 3 min and 4 min depending on how intense you want your coffee, during this time we will have our French press with the lid, but without pressing in this way we do not lose too much temperature.

E Press slowly without pressing at the end so as not to extract unpleasant bitter notes. Finally, your coffee is ready to serve and enjoy.

French Press - Press the plunger

Press the plunger slowly. | Credits: Felipe Herrera.

French Press Serve

Serve and enjoy. | Credits: Felipe Herrera.


E To taste this cup in the best way, we can let it rest for 1 or 2 minutes since being a little less hot we can feel its aromas better and differentiate its notes, I always prefer to feel the aromas before the first sip of coffee and smell Activate the taste and achieve a better sensory experience.

E If we want a cleaner and more balanced cup we can use a sieve for ground coffee, in this way we eliminate the very fine parts of the grind that give us bitter notes.

E With this method, we can cream the milk and achieve a perfect texture for a cappuccino at home, with some hot milk, but without boiling it and pressing it a few times we achieve the perfect texture. For this, I DO NOT recommend using the same French press as we contaminate it, but if it is used we have to wash it very well until there is no residue of milk smell.

E We can also use the French press to prepare other hot drinks such as teas and infusions, and cold drinks such as excellent cold brew (cold coffee).

E Be creative and experiment with medium to medium-coarse grinding, the excellent result may surprise you.

About the Author

Felipe Andrés Herrera Gómez Colombia


I met the world of coffee at 16 years old thanks to a neighbor who works as a professional taster. One day we talked by chance and he asked me if I wanted to help him in a roasting workshop, where he taught me about roasting and cupping.

There I was passionate about the subject and was motivated to take a small barista course sometime later. In that sense, what started as a hobby ended up being my profession.

My advice is always to do what you are passionate about: with a little discipline, you will get where you want. Today I work as a barista in a specialty coffee shop and roasting workshop in Paris, France. Now, my dream is to return to my country to carry out a project to improve the quality of life to whom we owe a lot: coffee farmers.

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