The best coffees of 2021

HomeLet's talk about coffeeThe best coffees of 2021


Determine coffee quality

Deciding among several samples of coffee which is the best is not an easy task. It is not enough to choose the one we like the most but describe what makes it stand out from the rest. One of the ways to determine the quality of coffee quantitatively is through a tasting, also known as cupping.

Coffee cupping consists of sensory analysis, its objective is to perceive, identify and appreciate the characteristic properties through the senses.

The stimuli (olfactory, gustatory, and visual) that the tasters obtain from the cupping, allow them to analyze, describe, compare and establish preferences between the samples evaluated.

The properties evaluated in cupping are fragrance, aroma, flavor, aftertaste, acidity, body, uniformity, balance, sweetness, clarity, and coffee defects. Each of these properties is assigned a numerical value, and the sum of these will result in a rating. Based on this, it is determined which are the best coffees.

Cupping to determine the quality of coffee.

Cupping to determine the quality of coffee.

Cup of Excellence Program

The “Alliance for Coffee Excellence” is an American non-profit organization that carries out the “Cup of Excellence” program every year.

The Cup of Excellence program is a global project that was born in 1999 designed to help coffee growers receive more money for their high-quality coffee. It is the most prestigious competition and auction of high-quality coffee.

The level of scrutiny Cup of Excellence coffees experience is unparalleled. Every year, thousands of coffees are submitted for consideration, and the winning coffees are sold at global online auctions at premium prices, with the vast majority of auction proceeds going to coffee farmers.

This competition is rigorous, with cupping evaluations conducted in a multi-stage process by industry experts. The coffee samples are first evaluated by a national jury of approximately a dozen qualified jurors from the country of origin, and then by an international jury, made up of approximately 20-25 experienced jurors from around the world.

At the end of the competition, the top 10 coffees go to the auction stage, where they can fetch hundreds of US dollars per pound.

May interest you: The best coffees of 2019.

The best coffees of 2021

Now that you know what the Cup of Excellence competition consists of and the organization that carries it out, we show you the winning coffees of the Cup of Excellence of the countries that participated in 2021 and that are therefore considered the best coffees of 2021.
1El SalvadorAlotepec, MetapanMileydiEver Leonel Diaz Perez91.68PacamaraSemi washed
2MexicoLa Concordia, ChiapasSanta CruzCruz José Arguello Enriquez91.58GeshaNatural
3NicaraguaNueva SegoviaJesus Mountain Coffee CompanyJesus Mountain Coffee90.96PacamaraWashed
4Costa RicaTarrazúLa EsmeraldaIvan Daniel Gutiérrez Ureña90.89Gesha & Kenia SL-28Washed
5HondurasComayaguaSanta LuciaDesarrollos Santa Lucia S.A.90.67GeshaWashed
6ColombiaNariñoObrajePablo Andrés Guerrero Pérez90.61GeshaWashed
7EthiopiaSidamaTamiru Tadesse Tesema90.674165Anaerobic
8GuatemalaHuehuetenangoEl Injerto IEl Injerto Sociedad Anonima90.51GeshaWashed
9BrazilCerrado MineiroCachoeiraVitor Marcelo De Queiroz Barbosa90.5Catuaí amarilloNatural
10EcuadorLojaArashiAbel Salinas Pacheco90.39Typica mejoradoWashed
11PeruCuscoNueva AlianzaDwight Aguilar Masías90.2GeshaWashed
12IndonesiaAcehPantan MusaraDilen Ali Gogo89.28Ateng, Gayo 1, P88Honey
Best coffees of 2021 according to Alliance for Coffee Excellence data.

Best coffees of 2021 according to Alliance for Coffee Excellence data.


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