Iced origami cup coffee

Aug 8, 2019 | Preparation

HomePreparationIced origami cup coffee


Iced origami cup

The Venezuelan barista Joseph Carrillo presents a recipe named Iced Origami Cup. A cold drink made with coffee from Burundi (Africa) and ice based on coffee husk infusion from Cajamarca – Peru.

With the notes of tamarind due to the coffee husk ice and the balance between the acid, fruity notes and clean coffee aftertaste, a perfect combination is formed, which will delight your palate.


Type: Cold drink.

Difficulty:  Medium

Time: 5 minutes.
Yield: 350 ml.


For coffee
E 20 gr of Burundi coffee, dry process.
E 260 ml of water at 87°C.
E 90 gr of ice cubes.
For ice cubes
E 5gr of Cajamarca coffee husk.
E 250 gr of water at 92°C.


E Origami Cup method.

E Paper filter for Kalita.

E Mold for ice cubes.


For the ice

E Add the 5 gr of Cajamarca coffee husk in 250 gr of water at 92°C. Let infuse for 15 minutes.

E Pour the infusion into an ice mold and freeze.

Iced Origami Cup - Coffee husk ice

Coffee husk ice | Credits: Joseph Carrillo

For coffee

E Place the Kalita filter on the origami cup and moisten the filter.

E Add the 90 gr of ice in the jar where the coffee will be filtered.

E Add the coffee over the Kalita filter.

Iced Origami Cup - 20 gr of Burundi coffee

20 gr of Burundi coffee | Credits: Joseph Carrillo

E Pour the water over the coffee, little by little and with circular movements, as follows:

  • 1st Pour: What is necessary for pre-infusion (Bloom) and wait for 30 seconds.
  • 2nd Pour: Add half of the water and wait for 1m 20s.
  • 3rd Pour: Add the rest of the water, wait for 2 minutes.
Iced Origami Cup - Coffee extraction by Origami Cup method

Coffee extraction by Origami Cup method | Credits: Joseph Carrillo

E Serve coffee in a glass and enjoy it.
Iced Origami Cup - Iced origami cup

Iced Origami Cup | Credits: Joseph Carrillo


E Recommended ratio 1:13 (1 gr of coffee per 13 ml of water).

E If you do not have Burundi coffee, you can use any natural coffee.

E If you don’t have Cajamarca coffee husk to make ice, you can use any coffee husk.

About the Author

Joseph Carrillo Venezuela


From a very young age the coffee world attracted me, it is an art to enter this specialty. It’s not just a cup of coffee it’s a truly complex art. I have an approximate 4 years of experience and every day is constant learning.

Follow Joseph Carrillo


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