Chemex coffee maker

HomeLet's talk about coffeeChemex coffee maker


Chemex coffee maker

Every day there are a lot of coffee shops that offer on their menus coffee made with this method. This method not only attracts attention for its simplicity and elegant design but for the quality of the drink that is obtained.

It seems to be a new and modern method, but it has been invented for more than 70 years and its design has not changed since its invention. What do we know about this method? Here we show you.


The Chemex was invented in 1941 by the German chemist and inventor Dr. Peter Schlumbohm, who throughout his career developed more than 300 patents. His goal was very clear, to make everyday objects more functional, care and pleasant to use.

Chemex coffee maker - Peter Schlumbohm

Dr. Peter Schlumbohm | Credits: Chemex® Corp

Being a chemist, he studied and understood the chemistry behind the extraction of flavor and caffeine from coffee beans. When he immigrated to the United States, he used his knowledge to create a method capable of extracting all the flavor of coffee beans.

Then, he invented paper filters with a double bond for the perfect extraction. For the jar, Schlumbohm was inspired by the Bauhaus design school and non-porous laboratory material which would not add flavor to the final product.

Using these elements, he designed the jar in the shape of an hourglass, making it a single piece of borosilicate glass and adorning it with a wooden necklace and a raw leather tie.

What makes this method so special?

The Chemex is not only an elegant piece that stands out by itself, but it does the job very well, making the best coffee possible in a simple way.

Each detail makes it so special.

Its body made of borosilicate glass resists high temperatures and doesn´t transfer any flavor to the drink

The paper used in the filter is thicker than chemical filters. This causes that oils and unwanted coffee components to remain in the filter and not transferred to the beverage.

The conical shape of the upper part has such an angle that, with the proper grinding, an ideal filtering time is obtained, extracting a good part of the coffee shades.

Chemex coffee maker

Chemex coffee maker

The Chemex is now available in museums around the world and is included in the permanent collection of the Brooklyn Museum, the Corning Glass Museum and MOMA in New York, United States.

The Museum of Modern Art showed it as one of the best-designed products in 1943.

In 1958 it was selected by the Illinois Institute of Technology as one of the 100 best-designed products of modern times.

How to make coffee in a Chemex coffee maker?

Making coffee in this method is simple and seeing the professional baristas in the making is quite an experience.

You will need coffee with medium grinding and hot water (between 85 to 92°C). Professional baristas use additional elements such as thermometer, scale, timer, teapot with swan neck, among others to ensure optimal extraction.

Next, we will show you the basic steps.

1. Place the paper filter for Chemex on top.

Chemex coffee maker - Paper filter

Paper filter | Credits: The author.

2. Moisten the filter with hot water to eliminate the taste of the paper and preheat the coffee maker. Once the water has filtered, discard it by keeping the filter in place.
Chemex coffee maker - Moisten the paper filter

Moisten the paper filter | Credits: The author.

3. Pour the ground coffee into the filter, ensuring it is evenly distributed.
Chemex coffee maker - Pour the ground coffee in the filter

Pour the ground coffee in the filter | Credits: The author.

4. Pour a small amount of hot water over the coffee, to pre-infuse it for 30 to 40 seconds.
Water should be poured with a circular movement, from the center to the outside to ensure that all coffee is moistened.
Chemex coffee maker - Coffee preinfusion

Coffee preinfusion | Credits: The author.

5. After the time of preinfusion, pour the hot water with circular movements, ensuring that all the coffee is soaked.
Chemex coffee maker - Coffee extraction

Coffee extraction | Credits: The author.

6. Let the coffee seep slowly. This process will last at least 4 minutes.
7. Remove the filter as soon as the drip stops, serve the coffee to a cup and enjoy.
Chemex coffee maker - Serve and enjoy

Serve and enjoy | Credits: The author.


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